Space we come!

Dear Parents,

We are all excited about successfully ending another school year. We are now planning for events for our students during the upcoming school term and seeking feedback on the interest of students and parents. The trip is to the U.S. Space and Rocket Center in Huntsville, Alabama. It will be the 3-day 2-night Space Camp Pathfinder Program.

The activities include:
·      Simulated Space Mission
·      Five Degrees of Freedom Chair
·      Multi-Axis Trainer
·      Public Museum Simulators
·      Gift shop (ability to purchase)
·      Rocket Launching
·      IMAX or National Geographic Movie

The trip is limited to 30 students and costs would be approximately $300-$350 per student, depending on the time/season of our trip and other expenses. Payments will be available upon the start of the 2018-19 school term.

Housing is onsite in the “Habitat” and on-site meals are included. If you’d like more information, please view the links below or the links posted below or on my blog at:

Space Camp Program Only

Lodging in the “Habitat” (photos)

Dining/Meals –Cafeteria and Buffet Style and Special Diet Accommodations (Yum)

Please complete and return to your child’s homeroom teacher tomorrow, May 22, if interested. Note: This is only a letter of interest. Do not return if you are not interested.

Thanks for your support!

Ms. Thornton

I am interested in my child ________________________________________________________ attending the U.S. Space and Rocket Center Pathfinder Space Camp in (November 2018--tentative).

_________________________________________________________             ________________________
Parent Signature                                                                         Date

Parent Phone Number
