Welcome back! We're hitting the ground running! :D

Welcome to Sixth Grade! We hope to have a great year!

We already have some exciting experiential learning activities scheduled and look forward to learning a lot and having a blast! Below are links to view our Fall field trip location at the Cahaba Environmental Center (CEC) in Montevallo, AL.  Dates and details were sent home on Monday, Aug. 13. The clothing and equipment checklist and 3-day schedule went home with the students and will be uploaded here soon, at a later date. Students will wade in water at a comfortable level from their ankles to their mid-calf, no higher. Very old sneakers should be worn (for water and mud) and another pair that still work for regular outdoor purposes. New shoes are not recommended.

Main Page and video:  https://www.cahabaec.org/

School Programs Page: https://www.cahabaec.org/school-programs.html
